The company was started by, and is still managed and owned by, Brian Gordon. NC Climate Control is a full service Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) company based out of Archdale NC that specializes in maintenance, repair and installations of HVAC equipment. Our humble start dates back to 2004, which is when we took our first job. For several years after that the business continued to grow and it became a full time job, this was never our intention. When we started we were doing good quality jobs at very competitive prices, most of our customers were friends and family; or had been referred by friends and family. A lot of our phone calls all started the same, "Our Friend ( so and so ) gave us your number, they said that you were able to fix their AC ( or Heating ) system and saved them a bunch of money compared to what they were going to have to pay. I'm hoping you can do the same for me ... " For us it wasn't about making as much money as we could, as fast as possible, it was about doing good quality work at affordable and what we considered to be fair prices. This is still how we operate today; Good Quality work at Affordable and Honest prices. Our employees are not commission based for that sole reason. We are not salesmen by any means either, although we have went to the sales classes and trainings; we refuse to be any part of a high pressure sales system. These things are what makes us stand out the most from other companies when it comes to pricing. Most HVAC companies employ high pressure salesmen, who are paid by commission; when they calculate the price they take into consideration the actual cost involved and then add a significant amount onto that cost to increase the commission earnings. This has driven up the market price of HVAC work significantly ( even for repairs since most companies also pay bonuses to technicians for meeting certain thresholds and doing upsells). We know what the market price is, and we could charge close to it and close just as many jobs; however; at the end of the day it comes down to one thing. We simply don't care what the market price is, we charge based on what we are doing and what we feel are honest prices. Some people ask how we are able to charge significantly less than the competition; those are two of the main reasons. We don't pay outrageous commissions and we don't allow the market price to influence what we quote jobs at.
The one who started NC Climate Control.
John has been with the company for several years. We call
David floats between Brian and John as a lead helper, we call
Johnny is now retired but still helps out as we need additional help!
Val handles a lot of the backend stuff. Like making sure checks are